Friday, September 30, 2016

Etsy vs. Pattern

Today, I made the choice to uninstall my Pattern site on Etsy.  I was still in the free for thirty days timeline and the whole reason I added the Pattern site was because I wanted to draw more viewers to my eStore.  Some may say that I didn't give it enough time but after a bit of research, in my opinion, Pattern is just a fancy template of the same page for $15 dollars extra a month.  

Having bought domain names and purchased and published websites, my goal was to be able to add meta tags into my site so that Google and other search engines would find me.  However, when adding Pattern to your eStore, you are still not in control.  So, for me, Pattern is a great format to look at, but it did not bring any new traffic to my store in the weeks I used it.  

My domain name, which is will be directed to this blog and from there, customers may choose to go into Etsy and purchase an item they have found.  

I'm learning as I go and right now, I don't pay for any advertising because I am spending all of my time building my inventory of items. I still feel like I have creative designs in my head to add before paying for advertising. In the meantime, I am sharing new items on my social media sites.

The problem for new store owners at Etsy, due to the HUGE number of sellers on the site, is to be FOUND! At this time, I want to spend all of my money on materials and enjoy the design process.  I don't want to sell anything mass produced.  Each item is unique in its own way and when someone buys something from me, they have confidence that it was handmade in my studio and not mass produced and thereby loosing it's uniqueness.  

Someday, I hope to be able to share how my eStore was found.  In the meantime, it's off to more creative wire wrapping.  

Have a wonderful day!
God Bless, 

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