Thursday, September 15, 2016

Christian Vegan & New Bracelets

One of the really nice things about selling on Etsy is the feeling of community between buyers and sellers.  Even though my store is online, there is a sense of knowing those who follow your business.  One of the things that you may not know about me, unless you read the fine print in my About section, is that I am a Christian vegan.  

For those of you who may not know the difference between vegan and vegetarian, vegans do not eat animals products of any kind.  They also do not use items that are made with animal products.  So all items in my store do not have any animal products in them.  For example, I would not use leather for my jewelry items.  

I also have a lot of rescue animals... I have six dogs, a cat, and a parrot.  Most were adopted.  All are getting up into their mature years, which worries me a bit.  The oldest is a parrot and the youngest is a boxer who is 8 years old.  All, as of this moment, are in pretty good shape. 

I plan to offer coupon codes in the near future on this blog site for a discount on my Christian jewelry and rosaries for first time purchasers.  I added two more charm bracelets to my online store, both with a Christian charm.  One with a dove and the other with a cross.  Here is a sample:

Since I am just beginning my online store, I only ship to the USA at this time.  I will get more familiar with shipping to other countries and try and add a few at a time soon.

Psalm 119:105 
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

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