Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Etsy Store - New Look - Pattern

Today was one of those stormy days in Central Florida with a potential tropical storm overhead.  So, I decided to try my hand at the new program within Etsy called Pattern.  It allows you to set up a website within the Etsy platform with your own domain name, if you prefer.  I recently purchased the domain name LetOurLightShine.us and so I set up the 30 free trial of Pattern within my shop and LOVE IT! Please check it out and see how different it looks.  I now direct my Etsy store to my own domain name - http://www.letourlightshine.us   (Very pleased!)

In addition to updating my website, I also added another bracelet to my store.  The bracelet is made using the rosary "unbreakable" wire wrap pattern and I made it using gold brass with silver colored accents.  I, personally, like the mixture of metals within my bracelets.  All of my bracelets have a Christian charm and this one has a silver colored cross.  I also use vintage beads because I love the way they look.  Here is a photo below of my newest bracelet:

I never use animal products in my designs because I am a Christian vegan.  I love animals and nature! Everything is made in my smoke-free home.  

Have a great evening!
God Bless....

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