Thursday, September 22, 2016

One Decade Rosary Bracelet - FREE SHIPPING! & Orphan Squirrel Rescue

After a family weekend, I returned to work today to finish a One Decade Rosary Bracelet.  I've wanted to add one to my shop for a while and also wanted to add the feature of two areas to connect the clasp, so it would make the bracelet two sizes, depending on where you attach the handmade clasp.  If you like it, please take a look at this one decade rosary bracelet with additional photos: 

My other announcement today is that everything in my shop has free shipping!  Today is the first day of fall so to celebrate that new beginning of cooler weather, I have added Free Shipping to all of the items in my store.  

***If you would like to know about new items in my store and special event sales, please sign up with your email address. ***

On a personal note, as I mentioned in recent posts, I am a major animal lover!  I love my pets and also wildlife.  I recently found a squirrel's nest in my mother's yard that was blown down by major winds we were having during a tropical system.  It was the largest squirrel that I've ever seen in a nest and it was alone. I would have left it for its mother to find, but there were several cats waiting for me to walk away so I had no choice but to take it with me.  Plus, the storm was actively in progress. Fortunately, I found a local woman who ran a certified rescue facility and we dropped the little one off with her, along with a new cage and a donation.  Due to the week of stormy weather, she was taking care of over 70 baby squirrels! Amazing!
Bye for now... God Bless! Jen 

In God’s future kingdom, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the goat … the cow and the bear shall feed, their young ones shall lie down together … and a little child shall lead them … They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah 11:6-9.

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