Saturday, September 10, 2016

Prayer in Troubled Times & A New Item in my Etsy Store

Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of 9/11.  You can't help but think about how lives were changed in moments, never to be the same again.  My heart breaks as I listen to the stories from that day in 2001 and know the heartache that will never go away for so many families and loved ones.

Yesterday, I watched a red-tailed hawk swoop down into my back yard and pick up a beautiful dove that I had been feeding at my bird feeders for weeks.  It was enjoying the sun and picking up fallen seeds. It's life was gone in an instant.  I was not happy to have witnessed this part of nature, but felt like I witnessed it for a reason. When I think about tragedy or loss of life, all life, I am again sure of how important prayer is in our daily lives.  

Last night, I looked for an app to begin a prayer journal.  There were all kinds of apps for prayer journals... one that you could share your prayer requests all over the world.  Others, like the one I chose, was to create a list of prayers that you alone would monitor and remember to pray for each day.  I like the fact that you can list your prayer requests and at times be able to see how your prayers were answered.  I know that won't always be the case but sometimes it will be possible.  Most of the time, I pray for ongoing requests that include health and safety for all of those that I love. There have been occasions where I have prayed in life threatening situations and the person made it through to continue their life. He doesn't always answer as we choose but I believe He always hears us and knows the desires of our heart.  

On a lighter note, in a few days, I'm going to share a new item in my Etsy store.  I look forward to sharing these newly designed items with you. 

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