Monday, August 15, 2016

Catholic Gifts

Catholic Gifts at Let Our Light Shine

As I continue to build my Etsy storefront, I am continuing to learn how to get my items seen by those customers who will be looking for my items.  You can make the most beautiful products and be super proud of your work and excited to share, but without an audience, your work is virtually in a room all by itself... waiting to be found.  

I have a growing number of beautiful rosaries that I have handmade.  I have made these rosaries and chaplets from a collection of beads that I collected in the 80s and 90s.  Most of my beads were from jewelry that was purchased twenty to thirty years earlier and so, using these beads, my rosaries are unique and usually one of a kind. 

The most important thing that I learned today concerning my work was that I have to identify my audience.   Even though this may seem like obvious information; putting a name to your customers, you now have words that they can search in a search engine, so they can find you.  I guess you could say you are creating a trail for them to follow... to find your artwork.. in my case, my rosaries.

I consider myself an artist.  My focus is on the piece of artwork that I am making.  The rosary is my artwork.  In the past, I have sold my work at art shows and through friends.  Now, I want to share my rosaries with a group of customers all over the world.  I have to make my store in a way that customers will find me... using Etsy search but also through other search engines, such as Google.

Today, I made sure that I added key search words in the title of each item.  Hopefully, it will bring those of you who are looking for Catholic Gifts to my store.

Thanks for stopping by.  God Bless!

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