Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Which Social Media Sites do you use for your Etsy Store?

This post will give you a list of the social media sites that I use to promote my Etsy Store. 

Let me preface this by saying that I have had my Etsy store up for a little over a year and realized that due to the vast numbers of people who have a store on Etsy, it is important to publicize your store using social media and I have made this a major priority in recent weeks.  It is my goal to compare which social media site gives me the most clicks.  Etsy shares statistics which give you the entryway through which your visitors arrived.  This is all new to me at this posting so I will have to get back with you and share my impressions on the results.

In no particular order, the first Social Media site I use is Twitter.

My Twitter page is: https://twitter.com/LetOurLightShin

Every time I add a new item in my store, I share a link and photo on Twitter.  In the last week, I also hashtag each item with the following: #EtsySeller and #LetOurLightShine which is my Etsy store name.

The second Social Media site I use is Pinterest.

My Pinterest page is: https://www.pinterest.com/letourlightshin/

As of today, Pinterest is the social media site where I have received the most clicks into my store. So far, I have not paid for ads in Pinterest, but I do have a business account. My goal is to also add every finished item onto two boards that I have created.  I have two Pinterest Boards that directly reflect my Etsy store. 
  • First Board: Let Our Light Shine: Rosaries and Chaplets
  • Second Board: Let Our Light Shine - Christian Gifts
The third Social Media site I use is Facebook:

My Facebook business page is: https://www.facebook.com/letourlightshineUSA/

Last week Facebook offered to give me $30 in ads if I would pay anything.  So I paid one dollar and got $31 worth of ads.  I'm not sure I will do it again any time soon because I got 3,000 clicks on Facebook but NONE on my store.  Many said they liked my Facebook photo of my item, (the ad was one item in my store), but no one actually clicked on the link which would take them to my store. So, I'm still thinking about this one.... No more ads with Facebook for now.

The fourth Social Media page is: Instagram:

I have added a few clicks with Instagram and I can honestly say it is the site that I've spent the least amount of time on as of today. 

My goal for the month of November is to really research how to share on all of these sites and see which one gives me the most feedback.  Whichever one that is, will get most of my attention as I work on my Social Media with Let Our Light Shine!

On a store note...
I added this five decade rosary this week and it is beautiful.  It is all Swarovski crystals and they are vintage.  I also added this Swarovski vintage one decade rosary.  Also gorgeous! Please take a look and if it interests you, please click over to my Etsy store.
Bye for now... and God Bless! Remember... prayer is everything!
Jen :-)



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