Monday, March 25, 2019

The Irish Penal Rosary

The Irish Penal Rosary (Irish: An PaidrĂ­n Beag) was a single-decade rosary used during penal times in Ireland, when any form of Roman Catholic religious practice and its religious objects were forbidden. This version of the rosary is easily hidden, allowing Catholics to pray with less fear of being detected.
The pink is a single decade Saint Agatha Rosary the patron saint of women fighting breast cancer and other types of cancers facing women. 

The blue and green are specific chaplets for the Novena to Saint Jude, one of the original twelve apostles. He is the patron saint of helpless causes. Saint Jude's Hospital was founded in 1962 by actor Danny Thomas and a few close friends. Saint Jude's Hospital is not affiliated with any religious group. He founded it on the premise that "no child should die in the dawn of life". No child is ever turned away and no family ever receives bill. It cost about $2.5 million a day to operate. 

St. Jude patients with ALL ( Acute lymphoblastic leukemia) have a survival rate of 94%, the best worldwide outcome for this disease. It usually affects children 2-5 years of age. Survival for children increased from under 10% in the 1960s to 90% in 2015, mostly due to research done at Saint Jude's and a few other fantastic hospitals that treat children.


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