Wednesday, June 19, 2019

It has been a few months since I last posted a blog.  I have a few ideas that I haven't worked out but I am working.  I don't know if whatever I finally work out will express what I want to convery as well as this 20 minute video that Jim Caviezel's Tribute to the Virgin Mary.  It is a wonderful video and is well worth spending a few minutes watching.

If one prays the Rosary then what Mr. Caviezel says about feeling that Mary intercedes with God and that God will answer ones prays, sometimes in a round about way, is understood.  As I watched the video and heard him share the feeling he felt I thought of an old Mario Lanzo song that I feel a connection with, "I Walk with God".  I often find myself hearing a few lines that I fancy and find comfort with;

"I walk with God.  He takes my Hand.
 I talk with God.  He'll Understand." 

It has been a few months since I last posted a blog.  I have a few ideas that I haven't worked out but I am working.  I don't know i...