Sunday, July 1, 2018

Saying The Rosary on a One Decade Rosary

Saying The Rosary on a One Decade Rosary:

On a previous blog I wrote a number of reasons for using a smaller one decade rosary as opposed to the larger conventional Rosary. Every night before bed I say at least a complete five mystery Rosary but during the day just moving around in the world I like to have a smaller set of beads to say a decade when I have spare time on my hands, trying never to be idol.

Saying the One Decade Rosary is the same as saying it on a conventional pair of beads replacing the five beads on the tail with the one Our Father bead. On this one bead one would say The Our father, three Hail Mary's and The Glory Be.

After the preamble is completed then one would say the Rosary just as on a conventional pair of beads. Depending on which Mysteries one will be meditating on then start with the first; on Tuesday and Friday it would be the Sorrowful Mysteries, begin with Our Lord's Agony in The Garden. Say the Rosary as you would normally by starting with the large bead as The Our Father bead and the ten small beads are the Hail Mary beads. End the first Mystery with a Glory Be to The Father, then the Fatima Prayer and I always say a short prayer; Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Now I am ready to start the second mystery; The Scourging at the Pillar. Then repeat the prayers just as the first Mystery. Repeat this until all five Mysteries are completed. I try to say the three conventional Mysteries every day; The Glorious, the Joyful and the Sorrowful. I occasionally meditate on the Luminous Mysteries but not as often.

Enjoy this gift of The Holy Rosary as a way to spend a few precious minutes with God. Always look at it as an honor and never a chore. One thing I always come away with from saying the Rosary is that God loves me and that he hears my prayers. Only I know how much trouble I have avoided and been saved from and I know it was because of His tender loving hands I have received so many blessings.

Lord, You know all things. You know that we love You. 

It has been a few months since I last posted a blog.  I have a few ideas that I haven't worked out but I am working.  I don't know i...