Friday, February 2, 2018

One Decade Rosary


I first used a single decade rosary about a half century ago. More for convenience, I felt it better to say one good decade that I actually meditated on than the entire five decades that I would rush through. By the end of the day I often found that I had said the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. Not everyday, but very often. It wasn't difficult to find the time because I seldom watched television.

As I got older I continued to carry a single decade Rosary and found that while working as a policeman walking a beat I could easily carry a single decade Rosary and during those long lonely nights it would be comforting to take three or four minutes every now and then and say a single decade.

Having many grandchildren I've noticed that a conventional five decade Rosary does not really fit well in their little hands. As I teach them to say the rosary I talk to them about Joyful Mysteries first, read stories from “The Children's Bible” so that they will understand and then have them concentrate on one Mystery until they seem comfortable. I found that “The Nativity” is one that they find interesting and is a good starting point. Every child loves to hear how Christmas started.

Teaching twin 6 year old children is exciting. When they are ready they will ask about one of the other Mysteries. Eventually, after five weeks they know how to say “The Joyful Mysteries” and with a beautiful handmade single decade Rosary that fits perfectly in their little hands.

I don't believe that a child, or anyone else, has to say a particular Mystery because it falls on a certain day of week. I also feel that a child is more comfortable holding something smaller than a full size Rosary. A child does not have the attention span to say a full five decade Rosary.

Many adults also find it more convenient to carry a single decade Rosary. Many find them easier to manipulate because they are smaller. Many people just like having a smaller Rosary.

In addition to the size being perfect for a child's hand the amount of time it takes to say a single decade is only about three or four minutes. Most kids are able to concentrate for that small period of time.  

It has been a few months since I last posted a blog.  I have a few ideas that I haven't worked out but I am working.  I don't know i...